I posted bail. What’s the next step?

Santa Ana Bail Bond Store

If you ever find you rself facing trouble at a police station, it would be a good idea to ask for an attorney. Even if you are facing minor charges, having someone sit with you and explain the charges against you is very helpful. They can help you fully understand your case, pointing out consequences, what to expect from this point on, and more.

Unfortunately we cannot refer you to an attorney, but we can offer you the following tips on how to find one you can trust:

  • Search for a criminal defense attorney. They work against criminal prosecutors all the time and know how to handle your case.
  • Pick a criminal defense attorney who specializes in the area that covers the charges against you. There’s no need to hire an attorney who typically defends drug dealers when the charges against you are nowhere near as severe.
  • Explore your options and select one who you can afford and you feel is invested in your case. Lawyers who truly care about their clients will defend you very passionately. They will not give up on you.

It’s going to be pretty hard to search for the right attorney for you while sitting in jail. We can help you post bail so that in the time until your next court appearance, you can utilize full resources to conduct your research. Again, we cannot refer you to an attorney or provide you with one, but we can bail you out of jail, so you can call us at 714-973-2245.